Restricted ZIP codes Philippines.

Because of the nature of our products, for instance, we cannot use LBC for airsoft gun shipments, we are using other courier companies depending upon the region to deliver your order to you. These couriers also have limitations what concerns deliveries to certain areas or zip codes and on this page, you can find all zip codes which are restricted. Certain barangays within those zip codes are actually covered by our couriers while other barangays are not. If you happen to live in one of those areas, you might want to use a delivery address from a relative who does live in another area from which the zip code is not listed here just to avoid delivery issues or contact us for support if not sure.

From 1000 to 1999 zip codes

  • 1013, 1400, 1470, 1485, 1910, 1940, 1950, 1980

From 2000 to 2999 zip codes

  • 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2205, 2209, 2302, 2303, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2311, 2312, 2315, 2316, 2601, 2902, 2906, 2913, 2915, 2916

From 3000 to 3999 zip codes

  • 3014, 3101, 3109, 3115, 3119, 3122, 3126, 3132, 3133, 3301, 3302, 3303, 3306, 3309, 3315, 3316, 3317, 3318, 3319, 3325, 3328, 3329, 3501, 3502, 3503, 3504, 3700, 3702, 3709, 3711

From 4000 to 4999 zip codes

  • 4001, 4009, 4012, 4017, 4018, 4019, 4200, 4201, 4202, 4204, 4205, 4206, 4207, 4208, 4209, 4210, 4211, 4212, 4213, 4214, 4215, 4216, 4217, 4220, 4222, 4223, 4224, 4225, 4226, 4227, 4228, 4230, 4231, 4232, 4233, 4234, 4302, 4322, 4323, 4325, 4326, 4327, 4328, 4330, 4331, 4407, 4408, 4417, 4418, 4419, 4420, 4422, 4431, 4432, 4433, 4434, 4502, 4503, 4505, 4508, 4509, 4510, 4512, 4513

From 5000 to 5999 zip codes

  • 5001, 5002, 5003, 5020, 5021, 5201, 5208, 5300, 5805

From 6000 to 6999 zip codes

  • 6001, 6003, 6004, 6005, 6006, 6007, 6010, 6101, 6115, 6116, 6323, 6501, 6531, 6532, 6539, 6540, 6541, 6542

From 7000 to 7999 zip codes

  • 7000, 7015, 7016, 7100, 7101, 7106, 7109

From 8000 to 8999 zip codes

  • 8100, 8101, 8105, 8600, 8601, 8602, 8700, 8709, 8711, 8714

From 9000 to 9999 zip codes

  • 9000, 9016, 9017, 9200, 9500